Please use the links below to explore the initiatives of those in our network.
Global Society for Youth Empowerment (GSYE): http://www.gsye.org/
The Eastern North American Region (ENAR) of the International Biometric Society: https://www.enar.org/
The Diversity Initiatives in Research for Underrepresented Minorities (DRUM): https://www.facebook.com/pages/DRUM-Program/215046685201381
Innovation Eye Centre, Kisii, Kenya: http://www.innovationeyecentre.co.ke/
Ohio Electric Vehicle Grand Prix
Akron Council of Engineering and Scientific Societies (ACESS)
Hands of Hope Artisans Carvers Self Help Group-Kenya
Blue Sisters Women's Group-Kenya
For more info, contact eokach@gmail.com
Should your organization be listed here? Use the Contact Us tab to let us know you'd like to join our network or partner with us.