First Day BRAIN 2016! Naudia, Nasieur, Jermyn, and Will join Mike, Najm, and Shaun.

First Day BRAIN 2016 for Marcus.

First Day BRAIN 2016 for Trinity.

Alyssa giving the students a tour of library resources.

Students select books from the free book cart. Notice Mike with the Steve Jobs book. Is he foreseeing his own business greatness?

BRAIN students first 2016 meeting with Dr. Solis.

Students listen to Dr. Solis's presentation.

Ms. Grice came to give the students a lesson on public speaking.

Ms. Grice explains aspects of public speaking and the history of Toastmasters.

Naudia and Nasieur taking notes during class.

Shaun during his tabletopic speech.

Najm and Shaun discuss feedback from tabletopics speeches.

Jermyn before his tabletopic speech.

Mike and Shaun listen to Ms. Grice.

Jermyn gives feedback while William listens.

Najm gives his classmate some feedback after his tabletop speech. These guys are brutal but insightful!